Lynn has loved jewelry since early childhood, so she pursued jewelry making as a career; then Hollywood knocked on her door.
Many people’s passions are often attributed to experiences they’ve had as children. It could be a love for camping because of family trips to the mountains or a love for music tied to great memories of going to concerts with Mom and Dad. Many of life’s pleasures are born from great memories.
And Lynn is a perfect example of that.
Lynn loves jewelry so much that she has dedicated her life to creating and selling unique, hand-made jewelry. And this love was born years ago.
“My mom would go to India like she was going on a trip to Catalina. She’d go, ‘We’re flying to India today!’ and I was like, ‘Oh cool.’ And then she would bring back all of this jewelry to each of us [kids]. She would bring us back these princess rings; they had star sapphire, emerald, diamond, ruby – every single kind of stone on it,” Lynn said.
Because of such experiences, Lynn learned how to make her own custom jewelry to sell.
“Since 2006, it has been constant. Like trunk shows and going to events. I have my jewelry in the mall now!” Lynn said.
But she wanted more out of life and pursued another passion – acting.
After taking acting lessons and attending various auditions, she finally had a big break when the Real Housewives of Orange County came up.
“I said, ‘Sure, I would be happy to do the interview.’ They came to my house and interviewed me and my family like three times,” Lynn said.
However, Lynn didn’t hear back from them and heard that they selected another person. Then she got the call.

“I was down in my studio doing my jewelry, and I was like, ‘I guess they don’t want me,’ and feeling all sad. But they ended up calling and saying, ‘We want to take it to the next level,’” Lynn said.
Lynn initially thought that cameras would follow her all day and night. But that was not the case.
“Once a week, they would come by and do a sit-down interview with you. Sometimes you’d have a bottle of tequila underneath the chair just to kind of get you all warmed up here,” Lynn said.
Lynn knew the key to a successful experience on The Real Housewives was simply to be herself.
“I tried to be as authentic as I could because I studied film and television. You just have to keep it real because the camera picks up every nuance. They can tell if you’re fake crying,” Lynn said. “I can call some people out right now that I’m like, ‘Oh my God, that is not legit.’”
She also recalls how the camera crew would chime in during filming to stimulate the interactions between the Real Housewives.
“They kind of get you a little stirred up, to stir up the emotions. They might be like, ‘Have another glass of wine,’ so you get what they call ‘camera balls,’” Lynn said jokingly.
After her incredibly successful experience with The Real Housewives of Orange County, Lynn returned to her original passion, which continues to this day, creating original jewelry masterpieces.
You can see her creative pieces on her business website at lynnecurtin.com and email her at [email protected]. Also, follow her jewelry IG @lynnecurtincollection and her personal IG @lynneanncurtin
Who is Trudy Jacobson?
Trudy is an entrepreneur and leader. Her path to success and entrepreneurialism started in the trucking industry decades ago. She encountered numerous obstacles in the male-dominated industry- like discrimination. She was even conned out of a lot of money in a fraudulent scheme. Despite all that, Trudy always fought hard and pushed forward. Once she realized she was capable of anything, she went on to start her own company and excelled. Now she empowers other women to do the same and to learn from her experience. Trudy now highlights their stories for the world to see in the Great American Women Series. Trudy wants women everywhere to know they can achieve their goals.